Let us know about financial problems If you are struggling financially, or if you have missed a repayment on your loan, you can use this form to request support. Use this form if: You are a member of London Mutual Credit Union.You have a loan or mortgage with us and are experiencing financial problems. The address displayed in your address bar begins with 'creditunion.co.uk' and a padlock icon is visible. About youBefore we continue, please tell us a little bit about yourself.Name* First Last Email* Membership NumberPlease enter your membership number if you know it. Where can I find this? Thank you for getting in touch with us today, . So we know how to help, what best describes your situation?* I’ve missed repayments and am not sure what to do I've missed a repayment and want to sort it out I haven’t missed any repayments yet, but I'm worried about money Make a Repayment If you've missed a repayment and know how much you owe, you can make a one-off payment online using any debit card via our secure online payment page. Once you've paid online, the money will be credited to your loan in 2-3 working days. Make a Payment We appreciate you letting us know, . What would you like to do today? Let us know you're going to miss a payment Get some free, independent advice Explore options if you're having money worries Get debt advice As well as speaking to us, you may like to get some free, independent advice. There are lots of debt advice organisations and charities out there who offer free, confidential support. Sources of AdviceAccess Tools & Tips The government-funded Money and Pensions Service's MoneyHelper website has impartial information and tips to help you navigate almost any kind of financial situation. Their website also includes calculators and tools to help you understand your finances better. Sources of AdvicePlease call us If you know you’re going to miss an upcoming payment, please give us the heads-up by calling us during working hours (9-5pm Mon-Fri). Our dedicated collections team will be able to talk you through your options, help agree a repayment plan, and work with you to help minimise any impact on your credit file. 020 7207 1444 About your situationThanks for reaching out and letting us know. So that we can work out the best way to help, please tell us more about your situation.Has your financial situation changed since you began repaying your loan? Yes No What is the main reason you missed your repayment?* I didn't have enough money in my account at the time I have recently changed jobs I didn't know I owed money I couldn't afford it My bank details have changed I have other debts which took priority I had an unplanned expense which took priority How has your situation changed?* Change in employment situation (me or my partner) Increase in housing costs (e.g. rent or mortgage) Divorce, break-up or separation Medical diagnosis resulting in loss of income Increase in essential household expenses Unexpected disaster (e.g. fire or flooding) Change in immigration status Unexpected bill or one-off expense Changes in the benefits I receive Childcare or other caring commitments Loss of a loved one (bereavement) Other (provide details below) Tick any that you feel apply to youPlease provide any further details about your answer above*Please provide any documents (such as redundancy or benefits letters) which show how your situation has changed Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB. How do you normally repay your loan? Salary (Payroll) Deduction Direct Debit Benefits paid into my account I don't know Do you expect your financial situation to improve in the next 3-6 months?* Yes No What types of support are you interested in discussing with us?*Any changes to the terms of your existing Loan are subject to discussion and agreement with our Credit Control Team based on your personal circumstances. You continue to be bound by the terms of your current Loan Agreement until such time as new terms are agreed. Temporary Pause in Repayments Payment Plan Rescheduling Loan Referral to debt advice Contact DetailsPlease let us know some basic details about yourself, so we can confirm your account details and follow up with you.Daytime Phone Number*When is generally the best time to reach you during the week (Mon-Fri?) Morning (9am - 11am) Lunchtimes (11am - 2pm) Afternoon (2pm-5pm) Declaration*By submitting this form, I confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that this form is a request for assistance and does not guarantee approval or modification of my loan agreement. I understand that I continue to be bound by the terms of my existing Loan Agreement until such time as alternative arrangements or changes are agreed in writing. I authorise London Mutual Credit Union to contact me using the information provided to discuss my financial situation and potential support available. I acknowledge that any changes to my loan terms or agreement will be subject to the policies and procedures of London Mutual Credit Union. I understand that London Mutual Credit Union may need to collect, use, and share the information provided in this form for the purpose of evaluating and assisting me. I also understand that London Mutual Credit Union may provide me with information about debt advice and other organisations or resources that may be appropriate for those in similar circumstances. I hereby release London Mutual Credit Union from any liability that may arise from providing such information. I confirm I have read and agree to the declaration above