Contact Us
If you need help with your account or have a question for us, we’d be happy to help.
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Support Portal
Submit a support ticket for a faster response, get instant answers to frequently asked questions, access step-by-step instructions for online banking, and more.
Email Support
Submit Help Request
09:00-5:00pm Mon-Fri
Phone Helpdesk
020 3773 1751
09:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday
Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve:09:00am-3:00pm
Managing my card
Lost/Stolen Card
0330 088 2747
Lines Open 24/7
Activate a new card
0330 088 1728
09:00-5:00pm Mon-Fri
09:00-1:00pm Sat
SMS Shortcuts
Get your account balances, including loans
Text BAL to 80011
Instant member number reminder
Text MEMNUM to 60060
Check if you can top up an existing loan
Text CANITOPUP to 60060
Repayment problems
020 7207 1444
Got feedback?
As a credit union, we are member-owned. We love hearing your feedback when we’ve done well, as well as areas where we can do better.